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Lamesa, Texas - Your city for a long-term win in business! 

Welcome to your next opportunity! A low cost of utilities and livingaverage commute times of less than 15 minutes, a region that values a healthy life and work balance, and a four lane highway system all located within a state that is ranked the 10th largest economy in the world and rated "best state for business" by CNBC and Forbes.

Efficiently located in west Texas, Lamesa is positioned for cost-effective distribution of your products with a logistics channel that reaches beyond the state of Texas' boundaries.

Why choose Lamesa for your next location? With a stable local political climate, an education system in both secondary and post-secondary that puts workforce training and skill acquisition to the forefront, low real estate costs, an ample workforce to meet your business needs, all surrounded by a business friendly atmosphere, the real question to ask is "Why Wouldn't You Choose Lamesa?"

Information for WorkforceTaxesUtilities, Transportation, Incentives and Top Employers can all be found here.

Let's Talk Business! 

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