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It is the goal of Lamesa Economic Development to support economic development activities that create jobs and bring new capital into the area, as well support the expansion of existing businesses. Lamesa Economic Development works closely with the Lamesa Chamber of Commerce, the City of Lamesa, and other local, regional, state and federal entities to assist and support the business community.

The Lamesa Economic Development Corporation (LEDC) & Lamesa Economic Alliance Project (LEAP) are respectively Type A and Type B 501 (c)(3) not-for-profit economic development corporations established by the City of Lamesa to strengthen and diversify the tax base of Lamesa. The two corporations are directed by a single executive director and two separate Board of Directors. Though separate entities, the two corporations are referred to, and largely operate, under the umbrella name “Lamesa Economic Development” (or “LED”) for branding & marketing purposes.

The LEDC and LEAP are funded by an adopted sales tax enabled by the Development Corporation Act of 1979. Each organization receives a 1/4 cent from Lamesa’s sales tax. To read more about Type A and B EDCs, click here.

The mission of LEDC & LEAP are to “Establish a Vibrant and Competitive Economy” to improve the quality of life in Lamesa, TX.

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